Ahlander, Leslie Judd.
"Varied Exhibitions Focus on Latin American Cultural
Tradition," review of ¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic
Art Tour III, Miami News, Fri. Sept. 16, 1988,
Atisbos , Canal 7, San José, Costa Rica, interviewed
by Guido Sáenz. Topic: Latin American art and the Bienal
Francisco Amighetti. Aired Saturday, Sept. 3, 1988. |
Bargen, Walter. Review of The Mastery Impulse
, Pleiades , Vol.24, No.2, 2004, pp.173-75.
Berland, Dinah. "¡Mira! Spectacular Tribute
to Hispanic Artists' Growing Influence," Long Beach
Press-Telegram, Weekend Plus, April 1, 1988, p.B2, on
¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III.
Between the Lines, WDZL, Channel 39, Hollywood, FL, interviewed
by Jeanette Jordan. Topic: ¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic
Art Tour III. Aired Sunday, Sept. 18, 1988. |
Brock, Van. "The Exile of Poets," review of Sorting
Metaphors, Sun Dog, Vol.5 (1984) No.2-3: 178-87. |
Budet, Maria. "All the World's a Stage: Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Explores the Theatre of the Everyday," interview, Generation
Y, Miami, FL, April/May 1997. |
Cape, Stephen H. Review of Sorting Metaphors ,
Library Journal , Dec. 1, 1983. |
Cardona, Eliseo. "Imagen y Poes ía de Pau-Llosa,"
feature article/ interview, El Nuevo Herald (Miami Herald),
Galer ía, Sept. 28, 1997, pp 1-2E. |
Casas, M. (San Antonio College), review of Outside Cuba/Fuera
de Cuba, Choice , July/August 1990 (item 27-6176).
Castillo, Luz & Pelusa Borthwich. Interview on "Arte
por Arte," ocusing on my activities as a poet and an art
critic, on Radio Cl ásica (FM 97.5), Buenos Aires, Argentina,
taped Aug. 11, 1995 and aired later that month. |
Chaplik, Dorothy. Review of Outside Cuba/ Fuera de Cuba,
Latin American Art , Vol.2, No.2, Spring 1990, p.71. |
Cinnamon, Deborah. Feature "Close-Up," article based
on interview in Poet's Market, 1993, pp. 77-78. |
Comentando , WLRN-TV, Channel 17, Miami, FL, interviewed
by Orlando de C árdenas. Topic: ¡Mira! Canadian
Club Hispanic Art Tour III. Aired Sunday, Sept. 4, 1988. |
Connor, Olga. "Ricardo Pau-Llosa: su vicio es el arte,"
El Nuevo Herald (Miami), feature article/interview, Galer
ía, Feb 4, 2001, p. 5-E. |
------. "T úla dejaste ir," review of Vereda
Tropical in El Nuevo Herald (Miami Herald), Galería. |
Curtis, Cathy. "¡Mira! Unites 29 Latinos With Taste
for the Fantastic," Los Angeles Times , Wednesday,
April 20, 1988, Part VI, p.1 & 7, review of ¡Mira!
Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III. |
D'Adamo, Maria. "Ricardo Pau-Llosa in Buenos Aires,"
interview, Arte al Día, No. 53, Year 15, August
1994. |
Dateline: USA, American Cablesystems TV program, interviewed
by Dehra G. Mitchell. Topic: ¡Mira! Canadian Club
Hispanic Art Tour III. Taped in Los Angeles March 29,
1988 and aired nationally first week of April, 1988. |
Dick, Bruce Allen. A Poets Truth: Conversations
with Latino Poets, interview, Tucson: University of
Arizona Press, 2003, pp.124-40. |
Laurence. Review of Sorting Metaphors, Palmetto
Review, Vol. 1 (1984) No. 3: 78-79. |
Dudley, William. Commentary with portions of interview, Public
Radio, Florida, based on poetry reading in St. Augustine, May
1994. |
Fletcher, Terri. Review of Vereda Tropical, Crab
Orchard Review, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2001), pp.231-33. |
Fox, Catherine. "Cuban-born writer hopes to expand understanding
of Latin American art," Atlanta Journal & Constitution
, Wed. March 23, 1988: 5E, article based on a personal interview.
Reprinted in The San Juan Star , April 27, 1988. |
------. "Memory Colors View of Artists `Outside Cuba'"
Atlanta Journal & Constitution, review of Outside
Cuba/Fuera de Cuba exhibition, April 3, 1989, p.3B. |
------. Review of the Humberto Calzada Retrospective,
The Atlanta Journal/Constitution, Weekend section, May
1, 1992, p. H-2. |
Gilbert, Roger. "New Poetry and Modern History," Review
of Cuba, Michigan Quarterly Review, Vol. 34, No.
2, Spring 1995. |
Goldman, Shifra. "Mirando ¡Mira! " review of
¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III, La
Opinión, Los Angeles, Mayo 15, 1988, pp.4-5. |
González, Juan Antonio. "El crítico no es
dueño de la verdad, y ning ún artista lo es del
arte," interview, El Nacional, Caracas, July 3,
1997, p. C-15. |
Guanipa, Moriama. "La mirada cr ítica de Ricardo
Pau-Llosa: el arte latinoamericano en EUA-- entre el inter és
y el prejuicio," El Universal (Caracas), March 3,
1994, Section 4, p. 1. Feature article based on interview.
Guinness, Gerald. "Poetry collections deliver first-hand
political reports," review of Cuba, San
Juan Star, Book Section, May 8, 1994. |
Horn, Laurie. "In the Land of Palm Trees, Poets Seek Common
Identity," The Miami Herald, Lively Arts, Sunday,
September 6, 1981, article on various South Florida poets. |
Hospital, Carolina. "Los hijos del exilio y su literatura,"
Explicación de textos literarios/Hispanic Press,
Número especial sobre: Literatura Hispana de los Estados
Unidos. Vol. 15 (1986-87) No. 2: 103-14. |
------. "Los Atrevidos: Cuban-American Writers," Linden
Lane Magazine, Vol.6 (Oct-Dec 1987) No.4: 22-23. |
------. "Pau-Llosa: A Poet Profile," Linden Lane
Magazine, includes an interview and three poems, Jan/March
1988, Vol. VII, No. 1, pp. 18-19. |
------. "Los Atrevidos Too," Linden Lane Magazine,
Vol. 8, No. 3, July-Sept, 1989, pp. 22-23. |
------. "Musings on Humor," Cuban Heritage,
Vol.2, No.1, Spring 1990. |
Jarmusch, Ann. "Vision of the Americas," review of
¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III, Dallas
Times Herald, section E, June 9, 1988. |
------. "¡Mira! curator says exhibit a window
to Latin world," Dallas Times Herald, June 19,
1988, Style, Section G, pp. 1 & 4. Interview based on ¡Mira!
Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III 's presence at the Dallas
Meadows Museum, June--July, 1988. |
Jiménez, Maritza. " ' La crítica latinoamericana
no ha cumplido su papel' " interview, El Universal
(Caracas), June 2, 1990, p. 4-1. |
------. "Ricardo Pau-Llosa: en cada escultura de Agust
ín C árdenas se palpa el amor," interview,
El Universal (Caracas), September 3, 1990. |
Kandell, Jonathan. "Miami: City of Exiles," Cigar
Aficionado, Vol. 8, No. 5, July/Aug 2000. |
Kane, Cheryl. "Touring Hispanic Exhibition coming here
for Heritage Fest," Miami Today, on ¡Mira!
Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III, Aug. 25, 1988. |
Karetnick, Jen. "Miami Literati" and "Poets in
Exile," Poets & Writers, Vol. 28, No. 1, Jan/Feb
2000. |
Kohen, Helen. "Cuban Artist Explores Odyssey of Exile,"
The Miami Herald, Living Arts, Sunday, October 20, 1991,
review of the Humberto Calzada Retrospective at the Bass
Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL. |
Kowinski, William S., review of Writing the Future,
San Francisco Chronicle, Book Reviews, June 20, 2004,
p. M-4. |
LaTempa, Susan. "¡Mira, Mira on the Wall!" LA
Style, Vol. 3 (April 1988) No.11: 32, on ¡Mira!
Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III. |
Leal, Gloria, "Qu éva, este mamey no tiene `primavera',"
El Nuevo Herald, 5-26-96, review of reading at Borders
Bookstore on May 18, 1996. |
Lippard, Lucy. Mixed Blessings: New Art in a Multicultural
America , New York: Pantheon Books, 1990. Cited, p.
122. |
Luís, William. Dance Between Two Cultures: Latino
Caribbean Literature Written in the United States, Nashville:
Vanderbilt U Press, 1997. |
McCarthy, Kevin M. Book Lover's Guide to Florida,
Sarasota: Pinneapple Press, 1992. |
Martínez, Dionisio D. "Artists in Exile," Organica,
review of Outside Cuba/Fuera de Cuba, Summer 1990. |
------. "A Voice for an Inarticulate Hunger: Ricardo Pau-Llosas
Bread of the Imagined ," introduction to Bread
of the Imagined, Tempe: Bilingual Press, 1992. |
Martins, Marilia. "Espa ço da Eco-art,"
on Eco-Art Exhibition Jornal do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro),
June 5, 1992, p.6. |
Meza, Alberto. "El Sonido y el Sentido como fuerzas de
creaci ón po ética," ¡Exito!
, November 23, 1994, p. 84. Article dealing with my first three
books of poetry. |
Milián, Alberto. "Interview with Ricardo Pau-Llosa,"
on The Notre Dame Review on-line issue, spring 2002,
Also printed in Manoa, Vol. 15, No. 1, Summer 2003 [issue
title "Mercury Rising: Contemporary Writing from Taiwan]
under title "Defying Time and History: Ricardo Pau-Llosa."
Montan é, Diana. "Latin American Art Critic Gets
International Forum," The Miami News, August 13,
1987, p. 3-C, article based on a personal interview. |
------. "Outside Cuba: Away from Home, a New Generation
Refines Its Style," The Miami News, Lifestyle, Sept.
30, 1988, review of Outside Cuba/Fuera de Cuba exhibition. |
------. "Ricardo Pau-Llosa: el poeta engendra a Cuba,"
Exito , Vol. 3, No. 11, March 17, 1993, pp. 56-57. Feature
interview based on Cuba. |
Moreno, Gean. "A New, Unique Reality--The Poem Itself:
An Interview with Ricardo Pau- Llosa," Bloomsbury Review,
Vol. 15, No. 1, January/ February 1995. |
Nightingale, Barbara. "Interview with Ricardo Pau-Llosa,"
Spotlight: Earthwise Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter
1982/83. |
Norel, Elizabeth. Interview for Radio Exterior de Espa Za (Spain's
national foreign radio station), in conjunction with poetry
readings in Granada and Madrid, Feb. 24, 1997. |
Omang, Joanne. "Tales from North of the Border," review
of Iguana Dreams, The Washington Post,
Book World, Oct. 18, 1992, p. 2. |
Parmenter, Chad. Review of The Mastery Impulse,
Crab Orchard Review, Vol. 9, No.1, Winter/Spring 2004,
pp. 241-42. |
Pérez Firmat, Gustavo, "Cuba S í, Cuba No,"
Encuentro de la cultura cubana, 14 (oto Zo, 1999), 131-137.
Also appeares as "El sino cubanoamericano" in Cuba:
Exilio y Cultura, ed. Julio Hern ández-Miyares
and Rafael Rojas (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Econ ómica,
2002), 585-594. |
Publisher's Weekly, review of Iguana Dreams,
August 3, 1992, p. 64. |
Pulido, José. "Ricardo Pau-Llosa se sacude los estereotipos:
"el cr ítico de arte no es gur úni profeta,"
interview, El Nacional, Caracas, May 26, 1998, p. C-12.
------. "Rompiendo el libreto de la cotidianidad,"
interview, BCV Cultural, Caracas, A Zo 2, No. 9, Octubre,
2002, pp.21-30, also includes four poems in Spanish from series
Cangrejo (Crab). |
Rivera, Celalba. "Ricardo Pau-Llosa en Bellas Artes,"
Cultura, Sunday supplement, Jan. 28, 1990, commentary
on lecture at Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela. |
Sanjurjo de Casciero. Annick, "Im ágenes Refractadas,"
review of Rogelio Polesello, Américas (magazine
of the O. A. S.), Vol. 38 (July-August 1986) No. 4: 62-63.
Suareé, Octavio de la. "La poes ía de los
cubanos en los Estados Unidos," Linden Lane Magazine,
Spring 1998, pp. 22-24. |
Tamargo, Agust ín. Hour-long interview on "Mesa
Revuelta," WAQI, Radio Mamb í, Miami, FL, May 31,
1994, on activities as poet and art critic. |
------. Interview on "Mesa Revuelta," Radio Mambí,
WAQI, Miami, FL, Jan. 11, 1996, dealing with activity as a poet
and writer. |
El Telégrafo (Guayaquil), interview-feature focusing
on art criticism, August 20, 1993. |
Trakas, Deno. Review of Sorting Metaphors, The
Georgia Review, Vol. 37 (Summer 1984) No. 2: 440-41.
Trammel, Michael. Review of Bread of the Imagined
in Apalachee Quarterly, No. 40/41, 1994, pp. 188-192. |
Turner, Elisa. "Show Brings Home Art of Exiles," review
of Outside Cuba/Fuera de Cuba exhibition, The Miami
Herald, Sun. Oct. 9, 1988, p.5K. |
Udall, Caroline. "Pau-Llosa: Finding the Structures of
Latin Art," interview, Times of the Americas, April
18--May 2, 1990, pp. 22-23. |
Viana, Luis Fernando. "Sedu çao
das telas verdes," O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), on
Eco-Art Exhibition, May 27, 1992, p. 2.
Viera, Joseph. Entry on Pau-Llosa, Ricardo, in The Encyclopedia
of American Literature , Steven R. Serafin, ed., New
York: Continuum, 1999, p. 874. |
Wallace, Robert. "Reconstructing
Contemporary Poetry," AWP Chronicle, Vol. 27, No.
4, February 1995. Mentioned in article on contemporary poetry.
WPBT, Channel 2 (PBS), Miami, FL.
4 minute cultural presentation based on interview dealing with
¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour III, aired
several times during October, 1988. |
Zimmer, William. "6 Generations of Cuban Artists at Rutgers's
Zimmerli Museum," New York Times, Sunday, April
19, 1987, p. 20, NJ edition, review of Outside Cuba/Fuera
de Cuba exhibition. |

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