African Presence in Cuban Poetry and Painting," University
of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. Lecture given as part of a conference
on the relations between Christian and African religions and
cultures in the Caribbean. Sponsored by the Department of
Afro-American Studies and the Florida Endowment for the Humanities.
June 1--3, 1978.
"Negrismo and Cuban Identity," lecture delivered as
part of the seminar on Caribbean culture taught by Sir Philip
Sherlock (Visiting Professor at the Center for Latin American
Studies at the University of Florida), Gainesville, FL. November
30, 1978. |
"A Stylistic Approach to Contemporary Cuban Art,"
delivered at the First Congres of Dissident Cuban Intellectuals,
Paris, France. April 10--12, 1979. Also delivered at the Symposium
on Cuban Art and Literature in honor of Enrique Labrador Ruiz,
Florida International University, Miami, FL. November, 1979.
"Luminescence in Four Latin American Painters: Roberto
Matta, Jesús Soto, Manabu Mabe and Rafael Soriano,"
delivered at the Metropolitan Museum and Art Center, Coral
Gables, FL. February 5, 1981.
International observer at the Fifth San Juan Biennial of Latin
American Graphics, May, 1981. Delivered two talks in Spanish,
one on Rolando Dirube, the other on Roberto Matta, at the Museum
of Art and History, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 17, 1981. |
"Art Criticism in Latin America," (in Spanish) delivered
at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic, and "The Sign as a Motif in
Latin American Art," at Altos de Chavón, La Romana,
Dominican Republic. April 25--30, 1983. |
"Metaphor and Metonymy in the Languages of Visual Thining
in the Western Hemisphere," presented at the 17th Congress
and 36th General Assembly of the International Association of
Art Critics, Caracas, Venezuela. September 18-24, 1983. |
"Luminosity in the Art of the Spanish-speaking Caribbean,"
delivered at the 24th National Art Education Association Convention
of the United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA),
Miami, FL. April 2, 1984. |
"The Architectural Motif in Latin American Art," delivered
as part of the Critics Lecture Series, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale,
FL. Other critics in the series were Eliza Rathbone, Sam Hunter,
John Canaday, William Gerdts, Robert Hughes, and William Lieberman.
April 18, 1985. |
"The Dream in Contemporary Latin American Art," High
Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA. August 8, 1985. |
"Dream Imagery in Latin American Painting," Vizcaya
Museum, Miami, FL. October 17, 1985. |
"Contemporary Argentine Art" and panel discussion
on art of Pérez Celis (in Spanish), Centro Cultural--la
Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 15 and 23, 1985. |
"Cuban Cultural Life During Hemingway's Years There (1940-1960),"
delivered at the conference on Hemingway's Vision of War
and Reconciliation, Boise State University, Idaho. March
6, 1986. |
"Torres-García and the Roots of Modernism,"
delivered at the Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, FL. In conjunction
with the Miami presentation of the international touring exhibition,
Torres-García: Grid, Pattern, Sign. Lecture delivered
September 21, 1986. |
"Cuban Art and Artists in Miami," part of symposium
on A Quarter Century of Cuban Exile Culture, Florida
International University, Miami, FL. September 26, 1986. |
"Recent Trends in Latin American Art," delivered at
the Art Institute of Chicago. In conjunction with the exhibition
Recent Latin American Drawings at the Art Institute.
Lecture delivered
July 21 and 22, 1987. |
"Cuban Art in Exile," Art Museum, Miami University,
Oxford, OH. November 15, 1987. |
"The Dream as Thought: An Approach to Latin American Oneiric
Art," delivered at the Art Institute of Chicago. November
17, 1987. |
"Latin American Art: An Historical Perspective," delivered
at the Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, FL as part of Dialogue,
Latin America, a symposium held in conjunction with the
Miami presentation of The Art of the Fantastic in its
national tour. Lecture delivered on January 30, 1988.
"Cuban Art Outside the Island since 1960," delivered
at the National Library, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. November 26,
1987. |
"An Overview of Latin American Art," delivered at
the Walter Hill Auditorium, High Museum of Art, Atlanta. co-sponsored
by the Atlanta College of Arts, Atlanta International School,
and Casa Cultural Iberoamericna. March 25, 1988. |
"Hispanic Art in the United States," delivered at
the Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. March 31, 1988.
"Abstract Reference in Latin American Visual Thought,"
delivered at the Art Institute of Chicago. Focuses on the works
of Joaquín Torres-García, Roberto Matta, Rogelio
Polesello, Fernando de Szyszlo, Ramiro Llona, Elena Presser,
Hernán Dompé, Mario Bencomo, and Enrique Castro-Cid.
Delivered twice, on April 8 & 9, 1988. |
Gallery lecture on Hispanic artists of the United States, in
conjunction with the ¡Mira! III exhibition, The
Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas,
June 12, 1988. |
"The Infinite in Latin American Art," (in Spanish)
delivered at the Museo de Arte Costarricense, San José,
Costa Rica, on August 23, 1988. Focusing on the work of: Joaquín
Torres-García, Rogelio Polesello, Alejandro Aróstegui,
Gunther Gerzso, Marta Minujín, Roberto Matta, Fernando
de Szyszlo, Rafael Soriano and Enrique Castro-Cid. |
Lecture on Hispanic artists residing in Miami, in conjunction
with ¡Mira! III at the Bass Museum of Art, Miami
Beach, FL, Sept 10, 1988. |
"The Art of Clarence Carter," in conjunction with
the Clarence Holbrook Carter retrospective, delivered
at Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA, Oct. 14, 1988. |
Gallery talk, on Outside Cuba/Fuera de Cuba, at the Center
for the Fine Arts, Miami, FL, October 19, 1988. |
Participated in panel on Hispanic art in the United States and
Latin American art, along with Inverna Lockpez, Liliana Porter
and Rimer Cardillo, at the Museo del Barrio, New York City,
in conjunction with the ¡Mira! Canadian Club Hispanic
Art Tour III, May 4, 1989. |
"Participated in panel on "Hispanic Art in Perspective,"
Brooklyn Museum, June 18, 1989, with Luis Cancel, Shifra Goldman,
Robert Storr, Susana Torruella Leval, Mary Jane Jacob and Nilda
Peraza. |
"Latin American Artists in South Florida," in conjunction
with exhibition Latin American Artists of the Southeast Coastal
Region, at the Hollywood Art and Culture Center, Hollywood,
Florida, October 5, 1989. |
"Representing the Infinite: Joaquín Torres-García,
Roberto Matta, Enrique Castro-Cid, et al," The Art Institute
of Chicago, January 9, 1990. |
"The Importance of Representation in Latin American Art,"
(in Spanish), Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela,
January 27, 1990. |
"Forms and Transformations in Latin American Art,"
as part of Drawing: Three Symposia, March 15-17, 1990,
sponsored by the University of Florida, the Samuel P. Harn Museum
of Art, and Santa Fe Community College. Talk dealt with Wifredo
Lam, Rafael Soriano, Arnaldo Roche Rabell, Marta Minujín,
Joaquín Torres-García, and Enrique Castro-Cid.
Delivered at the Fine Arts Building Auditorium, University of
Florida, March 16th. |
Colloquium on painter and sculptor Oswaldo Vigas (in Spanish),
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas Sofía Imber,
with Gaston Diehl and Carlos Silva, Caracas, Venezuela, November
8, 1990. |
"An Introduction to Modern Cuban Art," part of symposium
Cuba: Pearl of the Caribbean, at University of South
Florida/St. Petersburg, Florida, February 21, 1991. |
"Architectural Images in Latin American Art," Institute
of Maya Studies, Museum of Science, Miami, FL, March 20, 1991. |
"Contemporary Cuban Art," part of symposium on The
State of Hispanic Fine Arts, University of Chicago, May
8, 1991. |
Lecture on Humberto Calzada, in conjunction with a retrospective
of his paintings which I curated, at the Bass Museum of Art,
Miami Beach, FL, October 20, 1991. |
Lecture on Humberto Calzada and Fernando de Szyszlo and their
place in contemporary Latin American Art, North Miami Center
for Contemporary Art, October 26, 1991. |
"Tropes and Continuity: Cuban Visual Thinking since the
1920's," as part of lecture series A Coat of Many Colors:
An Introduction to Cuban Culture, Manatee Community College,
South Campus in Sarasota, FL, January 27, 1992. |
"Contemporary Art of Central America and the Caribbean,"
Kennesaw College, Marietta, GA, April 2, 1992. |
Lecture and workshop to Dade County middle school teachers on
the visual arts in Miami, Florida International University,
Miami, FL, August 3, 1992. |
"Introduction to Latin American Visual Thinking,"
Hollins College, Roanoke, VA, April 8, 1993. |
"Lo Latinoamericano en el arte latinoamericano," Universidad
Católica, Guayaquil, Ecuador, August 16, 1993.
"Temporality in the sculptures and installations of Ronald
González and María Brito," Symposium Revelations/Revelaciones,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 6-7, 1993. |
"A View of the Infinite in Latin American Art," McGill
University, Montréal, December 3, 1993. |
"Temporality in the sculptures of Eduardo Ramírez
Villamizar," Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas
Sofía Imber, Feb 27, 1994. |
"The Latin American sensibility of Melquíades Rosario,"
at the Chase Manhattan Bank, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, March 5,
1994. |
"`Teatralidad' y referencias multiples en el arte latinoamericano,"
Jorge Luís Borges Auditorium, National Library, Buenos
Aires, June 14, 1994. |
"Latin American Art in South Florida," Symposium Los
Latinos sponsored by Florida Humanities Council for the
Florida Center for Teachers, Eckerd College, June 29, 1994. |
"Tropos y sueños: representaciones oníricas
en el arte latinoamericano" and "Lo infinito en el
arte latinoamericano," Circolo Italiano de Buenos Aires,
sponsored by the Fundación Proscenio, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
August 8 & 10, 1995. |
"Impact of Cuban Exodus since 1959 on Miami art scene,"
part of "Contemporary American and Latin American Art in
Miami," a week-long conference sponsored by Sotheby's,
New York. Talk delivered at the Wolfsonian Institution, Miami
Beach, FL, October 20, 1995. |
"Theatricality in Latin American Visual Art" and "The
Process by Which Visual Works of Art Influence the Conception
and Execution of Literary Works of Art," as part of one-week
residency, Intersection for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, October
13 & 15, 1997. |
"Enclosures and the Infinite--Geometry, the Figure and
Habitation--in Contemporary Latin American Sculpture,"
17th International Sculpture Conference, International Sculpture
Center, Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, IL, May 10-23, 1998. |
"El cuerpo como gesto y significación: un acercamiento
a la fotografía de Elizabeth Cerejido," Corriente
Alterna, Lima (Miraflores), Perú, September 9, 1998.
"Brooke Alfaro and His Place in Panamanian and Latin American
Art," Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL, September 19,
1998. |
"Toward a Tropological Civilization in the Post-Multicultural
Age," Creative Writing Plenary Address, Languaging 99
Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, March 3-7,
1999. Also delivered a talk on art criticism, focusing on Latin
American art of the 20th century, and a solo poetry reading
(see below). |
"La imagen del espacio marginal: arte latinoamericano en
Miami," Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas Sofía
Imber, in conjunction with the Feria Iberoamericana de Arte,
Caracas, 8 July 1999. |
"Continuidad en el arte cubano del exilio," Cuba:
Cultura y Exilio, National Association of Cuban-American
Educators, Miami, October 7-9, 1999 (see section on published
Essays). |
"El Miami posible: hacia una conciencia bihemisférica,"
Segunda Bienal de Arte de Lima, Museo de Arte, Lima, Perú,
Oct. 26, 1999. |
"Agustín Fernández and Latin American Art,"
Aroca Gallery, Coral Gables, FL, January 25, 2001. |
"Continuity in Cuban Visual Thinking," Lowe Art Museum,
University of Miami, March 16, 2001. |
"An Overview of Cuban Painting and Sculpture, mid-1920's
to the Present," Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA,
March 19, 2002. |
Panel sobre La Escultura, con Melquíades
Rosario Sastre, Dhara Rivera & Mariman Benítez, Puerto
Rico Art Week, Viota Art Gallery, San Juan, P.R., Marzo 1, 2005. |
Cuban Cultural Survival in Exile: the Visual Arts,
lecture delivered at Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies,
School of Advanced Study, University of London, Stewart House,
May 8, 2006, and also at ABRALIC Conference, State University
of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, August 3, 2006. |
Lecture on the work of Argentine painters, Marcelo Bordese and
Miguel Ronsino, at the Fundación Alón, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, August 14, 2006. |
"Lo latinoamericano en el arte de Costa Rica" (What
is Latin American about Costa Rican Art?), Museo de Arte y Diseño
Contemporaneo, San José, Costa Rica, November 17, 2006. |
The Achievement of Olga de Amaral, on the featured
artist at the Women in Textile Art Biennial, San José,
Costa Rica, September 10-15, 2006. |

© Copyright 2015 Ricardo Pau-Llosa. All
rights reserved Ricardo Pau-Llosa. All work within this site
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